Ready Set RocketA Sia Partners Company


Proving that paper is the future.

Showing the world how plastic packaging alternatives can protect products, people, and the planet.

  • Analytics Strategy
  • Communications Strategy
  • Digital Strategy
  • Media Management
  • Media Planning
  • Websites & Applications


Ranpak is the first global producer of 100% sustainable, paper-based packaging providing innovative, sustainable solutions for businesses, customers, and Mother Earth herself. The company called up Ready Set Rocket to lead the charge on a rebrand and launch digital marketing campaigns focused on helping businesses decrease their plastic use by switching to paper-based packaging.


Knowing consumers want their brands to tie into real-world issues, we repositioned the company as one on a mission to “Deliver a Better World.” After that, we got to work on a brand refresh and new visual identity mission. We gave the website a fresh coat of paint to highlight products, services, mission, and ERG among target audiences: small businesses, large corporations, and investors. From there, we launched a campaign that held companies’ feet to the fire to “Box Better” which highlighted how plastic packaging alternatives have the power to protect products, people, and the planet.


We helped prove paper is the future by modernizing Ranpak and elevating them as the premiere packaging solution for brands who are working towards being sustainable. Marketing leads increased across key verticals like e-commerce by 67%.