Ready Set RocketA Sia Partners Company


RSR Immediately Implements Additional Women’s Health Care Benefits

A group of nine people—whose decision doesn’t reflect the views of the vast majority of Americans — erased 50 years of progress, and the ability for women to control their bodies and pave their own path by overturning the decision of Roe v Wade.

Responding to anticipated changes in reproductive healthcare laws in certain states in the U.S., Ready Set Rocket quickly implemented a benefit to support our employees across the country—40% of our team lives outside of the agency’s home base in New York—by providing travel reimbursements and leave for those who live in places without access to women’s health care or abortions.

“As a leader I am horrified. We’re a women-led agency, and have a majority female team, and this has been an absolute punch to the gut.” said Lauren Nutt-Bello, Managing Partner and President of Ready Set Rocket. “We are committed to supporting the reproductive rights of women and people across the gender spectrum. Beginning in 2022, we provide up to $1,000 in travel expense reimbursement and up to two weeks leave for staff members seeking non-life-threatening medical care, including abortions, if care isn’t available within 60 miles of where they live.”

For more information, read the full article here.