
Doing Good With Digital: Industry Leadership at Nonprofit Conference

As an agency that loves to give back, RSR was more than happy to present at Florida Hospices Pallative Care’s annual forum.

We spoke before an audience of 100 nonprofit hospices and healthcare providers on best practices for nonprofit digital strategy. Melissa Silvers, Creative Director and Alex Lirtsman, Digital Strategist teamed up to provide hands-on training to hospice marketing professionals in how to create a digital strategy for nonprofits.

The issues facing nonprofits are not all that different than corporations. There are budgets to qualify, there are stakeholders to appease, there is red tape to process. The major difference is that typically nonprofits move slower with a smaller budget due to financial or committee constraints. The struggle for nonprofits is to remain nimble in marketing and also good stewards of money as they quickly make decisions online — often with less resources than their  for-profit counterparts.

RSR’s talk focused on inexpensive and widely available tools and techniques for data analysis & measurement to both identify opportunities, measure results and benchmark successes to pave the way for smarter ad spends and onsite enhancements.